Ocean Provider Network

Connecting primary and specialty care across Canada

With its single, secure platform, Ocean makes it easy to send or receive any type of eRequest, including eReferrals, eConsults, eOrders and eSubmissions

Explore the Ocean Healthmap

The Ocean Healthmap is a comprehensive, map-based directory that makes it easy to search and access health care services. In collaboration with provincial health care systems, the Healthmap is actively maintained and updated, empowering providers to make more informed care decisions.

  • Easily find specialists and health services
  • Sort by up-to-date wait times or distance
  • Customize your directory listing

An eRequest for every connection


With eReferrals, it’s now easier than ever to reduce the administrative workload, eliminate transcription errors and improve patient wait times


Ocean eConsults makes it easy for primary care providers to quickly consult with specialists across the patient journey


Access a centrally managed eForms library to securely submit patient health information to authorized organizations


Rapidly request diagnostic investigations and procedures from the EMR while incorporating appropriateness criteria

Connections that span the care community

Benefits for providers and clinics
Benefits for providers and clinics

The Ocean Provider Network makes it easy to find healthcare services, send and receive eRequests, and track the status of Requests, without leaving your HIS. With eReferrals, you can eliminate paper and faxes, while reducing errors and rejected requests to help provide better access to care for your patients.

Benefits for healthcare systems
Benefits for healthcare systems

The Ocean Provider Network improves load balancing to reduce wait times, while increasing adherence to evidence based standards. With system-wide analytics and data transparency, provincial health care systems can decrease costs while improving care.

Benefits for patients and caregivers
Benefits for patients and caregivers

The Ocean Provider Network facilitates better access to care, closer to home, while giving patients better ways to manage their own care through automated alerts that track and manage their referrals, appointment times and details.

“I booked an urgent abdominal ultrasound for my patient and sent it via Ocean – MyHealth Centre called her while she and I were still talking in the appointment!”

Dr. Daniel Pepe

London Lambeth FHO

Network Numbers

300+ supported healthcare services

2M+ eReferrals sent

50+ day reduction in avg. wait times

Ready to learn more?


For Healthcare Providers

Proven digital tools and workflows purpose-built for clinicians, by clinicians

For Clinic Administration

Simplify the end-to-end experience and help ease the burden for staff and patients

For Healthcare Systems

Bring digital innovations to life for large organizations and diverse populations

The Ocean Platform

Patient Engagement Suite

Connect your community with easy-to-use tools

Ocean Provider Network

Co-ordinate care among clinicians and systems

Online Booking

Patient Messages

Patient Reminders

Kiosks & Tablets

Self-Serve Forms

Ocean Studies







EMR Integrations

Connect with confidence. Discover deep integrations with the leading electronic medical records in Canada


Information for Patients

Ocean Forms Library

Getting Started


If you are an Ocean user, please visit our comprehensive Support Portal for detailed articles, video walkthroughs and technical guides:


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10+ years of innovation in healthcare technology

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