Ocean Ecosystem Expands with New Integrations to MEDITECH, CHR, EMHWare and More!

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At Ocean, we witness daily how seamless integrations between healthcare technologies significantly benefit providers and their patients. Whether it’s helping to keep patients informed, reducing wait times or decreasing our healthcare system’s dependence on error-prone fax machines, the critical role of interoperability is clear.

In the past 12 months alone, numerous technology platforms have integrated with Ocean, facilitating secure and efficient exchange of clinical information between healthcare providers. This means that hundreds of thousands more patients across Canada now have access to more timely and efficient care. We are committed to celebrating these achievements in interoperability and are pleased to share a closer look at our latest integrations.

MEDITECH brings hospital integration to life with expanded functionality en route

We’re thrilled to announce that the MEDITECH FHIR integration is now live thanks to the collaborative efforts between MEDITECH EHR, and our product and integrations team! This milestone begins with the successful implementation at Queensway Carleton Hospital and their Diabetes and Endocrine clinic.

Thank you for all your assistance with Queensway, they are successfully live and love it.

– Suzanne DeFina, Senior Analyst, Client Administrative/Financial, MEDITECH

Since launching in October 2023, the Queensway Carleton Hospital has already introduced additional pathways, including cardiopulmonary, orthopedics, and a central intake for diagnostic imaging to provide a “one-door” approach for MRI services in Eastern Ontario.

Holland and Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital is slated as the next site for the MEDITECH-Ocean roll-out.

Ocean eReferral now available for Collaborative Health Record (CHR)

Ocean eReferral is now integrated into the TELUS Collaborative Health Record (CHR) in Ontario, allowing healthcare providers to effortlessly send and manage referrals on the Ocean Provider Network.

Aiming to improve healthcare interoperability and enhance clinical outcomes through increased physician use of digital technologies, TELUS Health and OceanMD are collaborating with the Ontario eServices Program and the eHealth Centre of Excellence. Together, they are committed to introducing standards-based, best-in-class technology to the forefront of healthcare.

Check out this quick demo video below to see the Ocean eReferral experience with CHR:

If you’re an existing CHR user in Ontario and looking to get started with Ocean eReferral, sign up here.

EMHware goes live with first site to expand community services

EMHware, the cloud-based agency management software tailored for mental health services and addictions, recently completed their Ocean integration and went live with their first site.

As part of their goal to help clinicians provide more appropriate and timely patient care, they built the integration using Smart on FHIR, the global standard for security and data transfer. With SMART launch, clinicians can seamlessly access the Ocean Provider Network to send, receive, and manage eReferrals, and find other specialists, right from within EMHware.

FIREFLY, a community services provider for children, youth, and families based out of Northwestern Ontario, is the first site to go-live with this integration. Since launch, they’ve been able to help patients get quicker access to services like occupational therapy, pediatric development, physiotherapy, speech therapy, and more. Check out their listing on the Ocean Healthmap here.

Other new & notable pathways:




Working on a new integration with Ocean?

We’d love to feature you! Please contact us at [email protected] to discuss how we can help spread the word.

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